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Sunday, September 29, 2013

RESPECT! Find out what it means

CAUTION: This post isn't about vacations, traveling, the cute shoes and clothes that Asos currently has, or about make-up and hair tips that will help you look just like the self-proclaimed blogger models of this era. To be quite honest, I've seen enough of those to last a lifetime as of late. Today we want to write about a few things that have consistently been weighing on our minds, and are of great importance to our little fam. Lately I feel like I have seen so many blog posts on the crazy ways of our society, and how they are affecting us as individuals and families. Blogs are exploding with articles about the filth that media is becoming (and mostly has always been), and how natural human decency is quickly being erased from daily life. It's good to be aware of all of these things, but the question we should be asking ourselves is, "What am I going to do about it?"

This is something I have struggled with in my life- The ability to share my opinions and testimony of how we can have eternally happy families, without offending someone who may share  different beliefs than I hold. However, on certain topics I feel I need to be more vocal. 

GIRLS: Let me start off with the messages that media is screaming at us: Sex is dirty, violent, animalistic, non-committal, spur of the moment, casual, and inconsequential. Guys only want girls who are "sexy"(whatever that means), and will show a lack of respect for themselves mentally, emotionally, and physically. Hollywood will tell girls they need to have thicker eyelashes, bigger breasts, smaller hips, skinnier legs, and more volumptuous lips.These things make you valuable and desired. Blogs everywhere are telling you that if you are physically beautiful your life will be full and complete. That you need to show off your body, because after all, that's what grabs people's attention. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, the goals you have accomplished, or that you are one of the most intelligent generations this world has ever seen. 

Being preggers has caused me to do a lot of self-reflecting about my purpose in life, and what things really are going to matter in the end. Embarrassingly enough, I have to admit that gaining weight for this little diva growing inside of me has been an interesting experience, and I have found myself looking at other moms who seem to have gained like 2 pounds on their pregnancies and become a little envious at times. I think I can finally say though, that even though I really can't wait to get to wear jeans that have a real button on them again, I couldn't be more satisfied with the way I am choosing to use this sacred temple God has given me. Knowing that I am going to be the mom to a precious, perfect little baby, makes everything oh so worth it. God doesn't care that I'm not a size 2 right now, and neither does my awesome hubby, so why should I? 

The same should go for all you girls reading this right now. You are beautiful simply because you are, and that will never change. Isn't that the coolest? Your opinions matter. Your contribution to society matters. You are a future mother and/or wife. You are intelligent and beautiful because you know Who's you are. You are a best friend. A role model. You are a problem solver, a bad day listener, and a fixer of hurt hearts. You can change the world through your kindness and your love. Please don't settle for less than your best.  

GUYS: They tell you that porn is cool, that everybody watches it, and that the pinnacle of the human experience is sex. Take a minute and imagine, what if those pictures you are viewing were special girls in your life? Would you still be supporting this industry? They lure you in with catchy songs, funny movies, and clever advertisements. Pornography is poison. It is as addictive as any illegal drug. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, this virtual drug takes over your body and changes you. It takes away your ability to love one person and be devoted to her. After viewing pornography, you feel ashamed of yourself. Just like a drug, you are brought down and the only way out is to view again. The spiral down is pervasive among men young and old. If you are caught in this trap, you can get out. Shun pornography like the plague, talk to someone you trust, and get help. Don't wait. Marriages are falling apart, children are losing hope, families are deteriorating - don't let this be your story. As a man, you have so much to offer and can show the people around you how to respect women. Happily ever afters really do exist.

ERRYBODY: We owe it to ourselves to start acting against the grain. Starting with rejecting the disgusting songs that are currently on the radio. How can we possibly hate on Miley, call her a disgusting female, and then go listen to her song that was obviously talking about everything she did on stage that was so repulsive at the VMA's? If it's not appropriate to act out, it isn't appropriate to listen to either. Not to mention she currently has 2 songs on the top 20 in itunes right now. Like, what??? Apparently we didn't care too much. Sorry Miley, we don't want you to act out your songs, we just like listening to them! Poor girl. No wonder she's so confused.

Everything we see, hear, and participate in, affects who we are. So next time a song comes on, or a TV show starts playing, ask yourself,  "Is this promoting the culture we so desperately need to change?"

PREACHIN':I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us, and that the only way to live happy lives is through following Christ, and using the atonement in our daily lives. None of us are perfect. We all fall short, and sometimes feel like we are alone in this chaotic and loud world, but the Big Guy Upstairs is always looking out for us and loves us more than we can really fathom. 

Peace and Buhlessings!!!


(Jeff and Aurielle Geddes)