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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Summa summa how you get so fly


Just wanted to update the more recent happenings of the Geddes clan. Basically what I am saying is here comes tons of pictures people!! Seriously this summer has been so crazy and SO fun. It started out with a combined total of a whopping 7 round trip flights in just one month for various reasons for Jeff and I (and of course baby Zara who was a CHAMP). We have loved every second with all of our different family members who we have seen, and there is still a month left of blissful fun left to enjoy:)

On a more serious note: the other day I was on a walk with Z and it was late and dark outside. I just stopped for a minute to feel the nature. Like really feel it. I never thought I would be much of a mountain girl before moving to Utah, but since I have I seriously have such a love for the outdoors. There is so much you can find in your soul through nature, and I really believe it somehow makes you a better, more complete person. You just see yourself in a clearer view with capabilities and an awareness of your goodness, and you let go of all the bad things that keep you from really blossoming. Then the thought just kind of hit me that life is so wonderful, and there is just so so so much more to our purposes in life than we really can understand. And then I looked at Zara and realized that she trusts me completely, even on a walk at night when the sun is disappearing, and everything is getting dark, and she has no idea where she is. And I wanted to be more like that, like her. I wanted to fully trust the Big Man Upstairs when life seems hard or dark or whatever because I, like Zara, would believe that He knows the way back home and that I am in good hands. And y'all, we are in good hands.

Anywayyyy here are some pics (btw they are mostly of zara... and I am really bad at formatting them soo they are just going to sit like this. All in a row down the page. Lame)

Aunt Kari and Uncle Mike

Some sweet ducklings we tried to help find their mama:(


Jeff and our friend Trevor at Deloitte

Second Cousin Love

The view from one of Jeff's many hotels he lived in during the month of May

Chick-Fil-A day

Okay how beautiful is this??

Zara selfie

Z with Opa

and the infamous uncle Levi

shoppin with nana and the girls

Once again on a plane without jeff:(

At her 4 month checkup!


The beautiful Jensen newlyweds!

leaving one more time..

Celebrating Jeff's acceptance into BYU's masters program

Wedding dress shopping for my sister!