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Thursday, March 21, 2013

From My Heart, to Yours.

Lately, I have had so many thoughts and feelings that I have wanted to express to anyone who cared to listen, but wasn't quite sure how to do that. Facebook, and Instagram are great for sharing pictures and memories, but I want to share feelings, testimonies, and thoughts. So, I've finally decided to create a blog...
I hope that my blog will be something people can read and relate to. Something that will help us all feel a sense of unity in the good and the "bad" times in our lives. Something that will remind us all that there is a greater force, acting in our lives every. single. day. So, on that note, here is how I'm feeling:

For those of you who know me well, you know how interesting the past few years in my life have been. I would say that they were my "ups" and "downs", but I have come to realize that none of my experiences have brought me down, but only to higher ground. A place where my faith in my Heavenly Father and love for my Savior, Jesus Christ, reached a whole new level. I'd love to say that I dealt with everything life had to throw at me with ease, and grace, but this wasn't always the case. Luckily, I have the best family in the entirety of the universe, who picked me up, and carried me until I was able to walk on my own again. They taught me to turn to God, and allow him to heal my broken heart, and learn what it really means to forgive someone, and to love them regardless of their choices, while being able to still acknowledge what was best for me. My parents also taught me how to stand up for what I knew was right, even when I felt like every other person was severly judging me, and couldn't possibly understand what I was going through.

Life has a funny way of bringing us to exactly where we need to be, and that place for me is here in Provo, Utah, with the most amazing husband named Jeff.

I am so thankful every day for the little things we enjoy in life. For having a little home where the sink is too small, and the hot water only lasts for about 20 minutes. For having such wonderful parents who have loved and supported us through quite the journey, and for my mom who has been my best friend since birth. For my sweet, sweet, siblings who have gone to bat for me, and make me laugh my head off all day. For grandparents who are always letting us know we are loved. For our best friends who have been our biggest cheerleaders. For a husband who nourishes, and protects the tender fidelity so forgotten in this world, and for giving me his whole heart, dedication, and respect. For the dorky little traditions we have with each-other. Most importantly, I'm thankful for the gospel that has made our relationship foundational, complete, and eternal.



1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you're blogging Aurielle! I'm so proud of you. To me, you exemplify what being a strong woman is.
    Strong does not mean, vulgar, callused, vindictive, or an expert in Martial Arts.
    Strong means, having enough self-esteem to stand up for what is right--with grace, poise, and a lot of courage.
    Love you,
